Photo by: Marin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Well, here’s what I thought would be a short little post about Affiliate Marketing, but has now turned into a lengthy rant… I apologize for the length. But, it’s actually my attempt to come to terms with the ethical dilemma going on in my head. Here’s my take on Affiliate Marketing’s Dirty Little Secret – (now) Exposed!
Ok, so, here’s the “thing.” Back when the whole internet thing began ( geez.. really? Is this a story about how my parents used to trudge through 3 feet of snow walking ten miles to grade school?) ..almost… but, not quite. Way back when the whole internet thing began, there was a whole learning curve going on with those of us who adopted this technology quicker than others. So, while many of us were learning things and figuring out ways to monetize this whole thing, there were relatively few “scams” going on then. In addition, there were honest people learning how to build websites and honing their skills to figure out how best to use this technology. Many of us learned “html” (basic computer mark-up language) on our own and by trial and error to find which methods worked, which did not, and which were total turn-offs to their prospective buyers. We also learned about the major search engines and what they required to get on the first page in the search engine results.
“You Have Mail!”
After receiving our “Free AOL Disc” and listening to weird techno sounds emanating from our computer, our online experiences began. Waiting for our dial up connection to talk to some sort of phone contraption that allowed not only email, but allowed us to chat online in “real time.” But, soon after even that, advancing technology changed things again. We no longer need free AOL discs to chat online. Now, we have “high-speed” internet access, cell towers, and satellite access which enables people to chat in real time while looking at each other on our mobile phone screen. “Yes, there’s an app for that!”
Not only did we begin watching and listening to online seminars, now known as “Webinars,” they became the “norm” to present and market products and services. All combined, we now have “online meeting rooms” complete with real-time audio and real time typed chat where you can present your products, and pitch your sales presentation to “attendees – in listen only mode.” It’s amazing how far we’ve come! Simply amazing!
Anyway, over time, marketing gurus became better and better, and pretty soon, there were “third-party” companies springing up which allowed those of us who wanted to earn money from home a way to be paid simply because you have posted some live links on your web-site. We saw the birth and growth of large internet companies, such as Amazon, who also recognized the value of “Affiliate Marketers,” and we’ve seen nothing but growth in this new “work at home” opportunity. This rise in Affiliate Marketing along with other online opportunities allowed many of us to achieve a very real and very legitimate “work at home” lifestyle which, by the way, is expected to grow to over 6.8 Billion over the next five years. (Source: http://mthink.com)
So, OK, let’s now talk a bit about some of these third-party companies… Enter ClickBank!
What’s a ClickBank?
Yes, enter ClickBank, and now, many others that have popped up to enable Affiliate Marketers yet another source of income. ClickBank, and others like it, is a company which acts as a sort of “middleman” between sellers who wish to sell products, especially digital products, and those (Affiliate Marketers) who have web-sites who will publish the links in exchange for a commission fee earned if and when a buyer buys. So, for instance, I am an Affiliate Marketer. I have many links up on this site, and should anyone click on a particular affiliate link, they will be sent to another site and page for more information regarding that particular product. If they actually buy something from that page or site within the set time-period, I may be paid a commission for publishing the convenient link in the first place. This is how Affiliate Marketers are paid for their work.
This process, or service, doesn’t add a dime to the cost of the product for the buyer as the price usually remains the same. What it does do, however, is make sure the publisher, the Affiliate Marketer, who provided the convenient links to the potential buyer will be paid for his/her efforts, creating their site, maintaining the site, and reviewing, writing about, or promoting said product.
Many Affiliate Marketers work very hard at publishing good content for readers, and, as mentioned, those who do buy via the links do not pay any type of higher price for the product when using our links. Affiliate Marketing is established as a legitimate way of earning income online – for sure. In fact, this is one of the major themes discussed on this blog. Earning passive income and building wealth – especially while working from home – is what this whole blog site is about!
But, there is one “little” problem…
As the internet has progressed, the scammers have also progressed, but we now see the use of “Limited Product Launches” and “Sweepstakes” to entice Affiliate Marketers to push a particular product – whether it’s a good product or not… But, it’s the “not so good” products that may continue to be “pushed” and reviewed favorably, and that’s the problem…
While it’s true that buyers have become more savvy, this problem is only growing larger. Buyers have automatically become more inquisitive, curious, and are more apt to conduct some research before purchasing some item from some “marketing guru” or affiliate marketer who has simply “told” them this new “XYZ product is the bomb!” But, what good is a biased review to a potential buyer who is really seeking an “honest review?” Buyers don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes… which is why I am now exposing this dirty little secret…
I think people ought to know not only why someone is just “glossing” over some product just to get it published. They ought to know why they keep receiving e-mails about a particular product, and they also ought to know why someone “may” be writing – shall we say – less than honest reviews.

Photo by: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Let’s talk about the companies who either outsource or have employees who write posts to “fill-up” the search engine results. I have seen many articles about this or that product which really do not offer the buyer any thoughtful insight as to why he/she should buy the product. The marketing guru or blogger is just spewing his or her “opinion,” and they use a variety of labels and descriptive words to capture attention – without offering anything in the way of quality content. They are basically saying “just buy the product because I said so.”
I’ve seen a lot of suspicious articles appear under specific keywords, and when you look up the “who-is” information, the product site, and the “research” site are located on the same server. So, yes, companies do hire, or have employees, who write a bunch of articles to help fill up the search engine’s top pages and to “dilute” any possible negative articles out there by submitting biased “good” articles about the product. …Illegal? No, but Ethical?… …That’s another matter entirely.
Here’s an example: Let’s say that I am a Seller who has created Product A. I now offer this product through one of the middlemen companies who have thousands upon thousands of affiliate marketers out there ready willing and able to publish and market the information about my product and get it “out there” so that I can literally watch the sales roll in and watch my profits soar. (Yes, true… and yes, I’ll be working on a product of my own… soon, I hope!) Anyway, back on track… That’s Capitalism – and, there’s nothing wrong with that.
But, when the company begins filling up the search engines top pages with bogus and biased “reviews” just to do “just that,” buyers really aren’t getting the true picture of the product or opportunity. I mean, seriously, if you “Google” some keyword or a specific product, how many pages do you even bother looking at after the first page? …It’s a known fact, that if you can reach the 1st page of Google, you are pretty darn “golden.” Not only will you get traffic, but you are blocking other reviews from reaching the first page because, as we all know, there are limited spots on the first page of the major search engines: Google, Bing and Yahoo.
In addition to this, Sellers who are using the middlemen sites to help promote their product(s) are also realizing that there are many other people who are also creating and marketing their competing products. More and more people are coming out with their own products, and some are better than others. So, not only do they have to deal with Affiliate Marketers who are offering honest information and reviews, now, they’ll have to be vying for the attention of any of the Affiliate Marketers who can write reviews who, in turn, write and market their product, and can literally make or break them during their “product launch.”

Photo by: Sira Anamwong / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Ah, yes, “The Product Launch!”
The online “Product Launch” came about, I believe, as a way to get the Affiliate Marketers excited for the reason just discussed. There are so many products and software being created on a daily basis now, it’s getting ridiculous to even try to keep up. So, the “Product Launch” is now part of the Marketing campaign and making a product available even “for a limited time!” Vendors create and offer a new product, get it out quickly, use scarcity marketing techniques and build the fear of “losing out” if you don’t “act fast.” Now, as mentioned, many use a time limit, or an amount sold limit, and create a “Sweepstakes” for Affiliate Marketers to push the product out to the buying public – sometimes without even actually “reviewing” it! The sooner, the better! Consequently, many sellers along with the Affiliate and Internet Marketers get people to buy the product before any negative reviews pop up in the search engines… and the buyers “may” pay for a product that is not so great after all.
So, we have competitive marketing efforts and actual “Prizes” being awarded to Affiliate Marketers who can sell the most by a specific cut-off date, and these people earn the respect of other Affiliate and Internet Marketers with recognition and cash prizes… decent sized cash prizes while pushing, reviewing, writing about, and/or promoting what may be a “not so great” product. Legal? Yes, but… Ethical… ? Well, that depends…
My Dilemma
Here’s my specific problem, and yes, it’s a bit complicated so bear with me…. I have read bogus and, what I term as, “fluffy” reviews written by obvious biased people who:
- A) have something to do with the product itself (owner, employee, third-party outsourced to provide false reviews and fill up the search engine page rankings, etc.)
- B) is an Affiliate Marketer who who DID NOT purchase it, and just thinks every product is just “wonderful” while promoting it just for the sake of promoting it and obtaining an affiliate marketing income.
- C) is an Affiliate Marketer who DID NOT purchase it, but quickly label it a “scam,” so, here, buy this one instead…
- D) is an Affiliate Marketer who DID purchase it, but didn’t use it, and quickly labeled it a “scam,” so, here, buy this one instead…
- E) is an Affiliate Marketer who DID NOT purchase it, but is promoting it because he or she is just vying for the prize money.
- F) is an Affiliate Marketer who DID purchase it, has since failed to “correct” a “positive” review on a “not so great” product after all, but continues to promote it because he or she is really just vying for the prize money, or
- G) is an Affiliate Marketer who DID purchase it, provided an “honest” review, and may or may not provide a link to the product not because he or she is just vying for the prize money, but because, yes, there are people who would still want to buy something that is “Not Recommended.” This type of Affiliate Marketer still believes in providing others an educated decision by providing an honest and unbiased review while providing buyers their “Freedom of Choice.”
And, yes, I’ll be explicit here for those who haven’t figured it out, I’m more of the “G” type of person, just so you know…
So, now what?

Photo by: Renjith Krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Well, I probably left out “someone” in this entire scenario, but what I’m trying to say is that not only do buyers have to conduct their research before purchasing a product online, now, they also have to glean through all the information being thrown their way in the search engines in order to determine who’s really providing an “honest” review. They now have to determine the writer’s motive for either providing a “Good” review, a “Scam,” or “Not Recommended” Review.
Buyers should be allowed the courtesy to think about whether the writer based his or her “unbiased” review on research, whether it was thorough, or whether the writer / author has actually used the item. At the very least, potential buyers “should” be told up front, and they should also be told whether that writer/author received the item at a discount or for “FREE” in order to provide a review.
Buyer’s Beware!
Although there’s nothing wrong with basing a review on research alone, shouldn’t it be good, thorough, and truly unbiased research? I think so, but, then, ..that’s me. So, again, it’s totally up to the buyer to determine his or her level of comfort and to determine whether the Affiliate Marketer / Writer / Blogger has purchased the item, has done thorough research, and has even made the effort to write out a well thought out review or opinion of a particular product. This is the only way to earn a reputation for being a trusted source of information.
How to Remedy This Situation?
Well, at first I thought the remedy would be simple. I “thought” that I’d only be writing about products that I purchased and actually tried to use. Even some of the well-established Affiliate Marketers espouse that basic premise when offering advice to beginner Affiliate Marketers. But, the products, software, pdf’s, books, etc., are coming out at such a fast pace now, there’s no way anyone can keep up. In addition, there are so many now that I’d go broke trying to buy them all in order to review them for this blog. That would be totally insane and unreasonable…
Then, I thought, well, I’ll have to conduct thorough research for some while buying some others. But, again, they are coming out at too fast of a pace to keep up and get out the information to anyone who actually may be interested in whatever product is currently available. Don’t forget now, many sellers use the “limited” time offer now, and yes, they follow through which means that some of my readers may lose out on something because I didn’t write a review fast enough or send out an email quick enough… And then, I wonder, who am I to not offer something to my email list just because I haven’t reviewed it yet? In fact, this actually just happened to me!
I recently received an email with a Subject Line about obtaining a list of “Hot Toys for 2016.” I thought – Great! I can put those up on my Day Gifts Site, and get ready for the Christmas Holiday Season! …But, I forgot about the limited “end” date. I got sidetracked with a “family issue,” and I didn’t buy it when I saw it. So, when I remembered and went back to purchase and obtain the list – it was GONE! …I was met with a stark page that simply read: “Sorry, Please input your email address and we’ll contact you NEXT YEAR!”
Lesson Learned!
So, while I struggle with my ethical dilemma, and have now realized myself that I lost out on something that “I personally wanted,” but missed the “deadline date,” here’s my “new policy” when it comes to my readers, my blog and my e-mail subscriber list.
When I offer a Review of a particular product, I will state whether I purchased the product or not, and I will also state whether I paid full price, received a discount, or received it for free.
I think this is only fair to buyers who are looking for honest reviews. Affiliate Marketers / Writers / Bloggers, in my opinion, should be explicitly telling readers whether they have actually purchased it, used it, and are basing their review on this experience – or whether they are basing their review on research. Again, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with basing a review on research – if it’s valid research and not just a fluffy article to sway the masses, appease an employer, receive a discount, or win a prize…
Email List:
I HAVE TWO DISTINCT EMAIL LISTS. I have a blog e-mail list for those who wish to receive updates on my newest posts to my blog (the one you’re reading now). You, as a visitor to this blog, have probably seen a pop up or two to ask you to join my email list so that you can be notified of new articles.
However, I have also begun to collect email addresses from those who actually want “work at home opportunities” and products. (See the Survey Question to the Right ——>>>>) As a result of this ongoing survey, my readers are telling me that they want “work at home opportunities.” Consequently, I am now working on building that email list. I may (and will reserve the right) to combine the two lists because it would be easier for me, and many readers are here anyway to learn about “Building Passive Income and Wealth.” But, for now anyway, there are two separate lists for people to join. Readers can join my blog to receive updates on new articles, and they can also join the Email List to receive “work at home opportunities.” Click the Green and White Book image if you wish to join the “Work At Home Opportunities” list and receive the Free Report. —>>>
The Secret Exposed
So, this is Affiliate Marketing’s Dirty Little Secret – Exposed. Now you, as a buyer, know that there “may” be an ulterior motive when you receive an invitation to purchase something online or via email. And, while I have no problem with people buying things, I have no problem with marketing urgency and limited offers, I have no problem with rewards and recognition, and I have no problem with earning a profit, but I do if the effort disregards, misinforms, deceives, and takes advantage of buyers who are simply trying to learn more about a product. People work hard for their money, and there are honest ways to earn a living. So, the main message, as always, is “Buyers Beware.” In the end, it’s always up to you, the buyer and whether YOU have made an educated decision based on a good, well thought out review or whether the Affiliate Marketer is providing you with as much information as possible to make an informed and educated decision.
My Promise To You

Author’s Disclosure
Blog: Overall, all I can really do is to write out my reasoning or justification about a particular product based on either real experience or research, and I will identify which in the post itself. I will also state, in an “Author’s Disclosure,” whether I paid for the product, received a discount, or received it for Free in exchange for a review. I will likely put this info at the top of the article.
EMail List: As for my email list, and those who join to receive “work at home opportunities,” all I can do is try to offer some further insight or statistics that may provide a better reason to purchase something. I do not want my subscribers to lose out on an opportunity just because I didn’t get to write a review yet. More and more vendors are offering “limited time offers” or even “discounted, limited time offers.” Some vendors are truly limiting their products and are not using the limitation as a false marketing ploy. But, it is difficult to determine which are and which are not. Therefore, I will look for and publish any refund rates that may be provided in the same email you receive about a work at home opportunity product.
This particular rate, or any similar information, should shed some light on the amount of refunds provided to customers who have asked for their money back. Obviously, if it’s a high refund rate, the “market” is telling you the product is NOT what it’s cracked up to be. Sharing this information is the only way I can think of to both share some information about a new product and get it published right away so my readers are less likely to lose out on a “limited” opportunity while being forewarned that the product may not be as good as it seems. And, it’s the only way that I, as an Affiliate Marketer, am comfortable in resolving “my dilemma.”
If anyone has any other ideas about how I can provide you with good (and timely) honest reviews and how I can better gain your trust, please feel free to share your opinions, questions, or concerns below. I look forward to hearing from you!
To Your Wealth!
P.S. If you truly want to learn more about becoming an (honest and trustworthy) Affiliate Marketer, there’s no better educational forum than Wealthy Affiliate. Please read my Wealthy Affiliate Review for more info.
Greg Perez
Blessings and thank you for the education. really appreciate it. Will join Wealthy Affiliate because of your honest review
Thank you for your blessings, and you’re welcome for the info! Enjoy!
Thank you for a very informative and greatly appreciated article.
Today I am looking for the missing link. I’ve been trying to make honest money online, intermittently since 2000 – yes 2000. When I started I didn’t even know what a desktop icon was. I’ve since self-taught myself how to make Websites, etc.
Spending eight to twelve hours a day at the computer six days a week without pay and in pain from severe Fibromyalgia was my way of life. I’m back to that lifestyle now.
To make a very long story short, after trying Lord knows how many different businesses, etc., I still have made no money. This has now turned into a ‘we’ project recently.
I feel like our break-through could be really close IF…. I find that missing link.
I/we have even created original products – repeatedly – i.e. CafePress.
BTW there are over 620 ‘friends’ on my Facebook account.
I admit many people may not like our designs. But, surely out of the number there, there seems like at least one or two should be selling.
Please look at my site and tell me what I am doing wrong. I won’t even ask you to buy anything – lol.
If I can help you, I will. Maybe I could do some FREE advertising in Traffic Exchanges or make some simple banners for you. Just give me the needed info, splash page, etc. of what you want advertised if you want traffic exchange exposure. I’ve recently joined about 20 traffic exchanges.
I am honest to a fault,literally. I have, at times, maybe too much empathy for others – I’ve been taken badly too. I no longer trust so easily – that’s for sure.
Time ran out for this shopping season, so I know SEO and list building are lacking. Too much time was spent on creating.
I admit that. But, good grief, I can’t even sell anything on Facebook to over 620 people? BTW we tried paid advertising on Facebook for $5 a day. Not one product sold.
We have sold ONE sticker in the last six months because someone simply happened upon it.
Whatever insight you can give us would be absolutely greatly appreciated. We want to improve not only our way of living and be able to take care of unmet needs; we also want desperately to be able to help other people help themselves.
In addition, one of the newly formed design team members has a 95 year-old mother we are desperately trying to help with many unmet financial needs (probably about $20,000 – $50,000 of unmet needs in wheelchair accessibility and major house repair needs.) We soooooo need a breakthrough.
Blessings to you and yours,
Deborah Kelso
http://www.GoFundMe.com/HelpAnneReed (only one donation – from us – there
I included the links not to try to sell you something or for you to donate anything. I wanted you to see some of our work and Mrs. Reed’s story.
ANY input will be greatly appreciated.
PS – I started out with AOL and dial-up – lol.
Hi Deborah,
Thank you for your comment. I’ll try to help you out as much as I can.
Re: started out with AOL – ha! I think we all have! …And, yes, I’ve been in your shoes for sure. I too, am self-taught, or that’s where I began. Nowadays, I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and yes, I’m still learning. That’s one thing for sure – technology keeps changing, and it’s best, I think anyway, to be part of a forum that keeps you updated and/or increases your chances that you’re likely to come across important information sooner rather than later.
Now, …let’s see.. where do I even begin? …Ah yes, Cafe Press!
I, too, am a Cafe Press member, but over the years, I’ve become suspicious. Sometimes you have sales, sometimes you don’t… and then sometimes, it seems to me, that CP favors some people over others. I’ve even called in to complain on numerous occasions that my sales “all of a sudden- came to a dead stop,” and have asked why. Then, after a day or two of these types of phone calls, I “begin” to make sales again… I have accused them of shady practices, I have accused them of someone “shutting off my site,” but of course, I have no actual proof. I have even been “locked out” of their CP Forum because I was too opinionated… I ended with sharing my “unfiltered” concerns in the open forum and I accused the dictator of censoring and controlling the group to the point of squelching our “collective” concerns and not “improving” anything for the artists. …lol.. yea.. I’ve been there, and have no regrets. She deserved it. So, the dictator kicked me out of the group and denied access.. lol… …So, now, I just keep my stores “maintained.” I go in and keep my percentage at 10%, and I make anywhere from $50 to $80 and sometimes more a month. It goes toward the renewal costs of my many domains… But, no, I will no longer focus on CP as much as I had. I do know there are artists that do well, but, as mentioned, something else is going on there that I just completely distrust. So, because of my suspicions, I don’t think I should spend my valuable time trying earn an honest dollar with CP – when I do not believe they are being honest.
In addition to my suspicions, CP has also changed their model anyway. They pay their artists very little, because there are SOOOOO many people trying to earn a buck, that they are willing to earn peanuts for their beautiful art. And, CP now has an Affiliate Program where I can actually earn MORE by promoting other artist’s items! …So… …If you go to http://InfinityArtsandGiftsGallery.com, one of my sites, I have the whole rant between the gestapo dictator and myself linked to the top menu… I thought about sending it to CP headquarters.. but haven’t yet… I’m not sure I want to waste my time trying to improve CP. But, I have since begun to promote other artist’s items because, now, I’m an Affiliate for CP. So, that’s where I’m at with them. Once in a while, I “create” some design, and place it on products, but as mentioned, it’s only enough work to keep me at 10% of earnings in the “MarketPlace.”
Re: 620 friends on Facebook, or even advertising on Fb, you’d really have to do some serious keyword research before you waste time, effort, and money trying to advertise items in your store. Further, there are many many CP stores. There are many Etsy stores. There are many Shopify Stores. There are many other Print on Demand (POD) stores that sell the same merchandise with different designs on them.. and yes, the artists get peanuts. I’ve gone this route… You’ve gone this route. Time to stop the nonsense and do what actually works. …Don’t get me wrong. If you just love designing things, and this is what you really want to do, that’s fine, but relying on what Cafe Press does to “promote” your work, or relying on a Cafe Press store and purchasing what some believe are “cheap” traffic sources is not the answer. ..and 620 friends on Fb isn’t either. Your traffic would have to be increased much, much more to earn “regular” sales.
I believe the missing link for you, and many others, is the simple fact that content is missing from your site. Have you ever heard of the phrase “Content is King?” Well, if so… there’s some truth to that.
Look, I’ve been down this same road. I’m self-taught, and now I’ve joined a forum which keeps harping on the content. If you begin to do good keyword searches and write good content in a niche that you most enjoy and/or would like to help others learn, that is what drives traffic to your site. That is the missing link – plain and simple.
Please do me a favor. Join Wealthy Affiliate for free, and build at least one of the two free sites provided. Go through the first ten lessons, again – for free. If you choose not be become a premium member, that’s fine, you can continue using the two free sites. There is NO OBLIGATION TO JOIN. But, my point is this. These are two free WordPress sites, and they will be securely hosted by Wealthy Affiliate. And, yes, there are some members who have made money off of their free sites as well as their own sites. So, yes, they work – if you work them! “Content is King” and Blog sites do much better than any single store front even with “traffic exchanges.”
In addition to that, Google is catching on to more and more ways people drive traffic, and they like some ways better than others. Google is always improving their algorithms to reward sites that provide good content consistently. Driving traffic through natural means, and writing good content is, in my opinion, your missing link. And, then, you can do what I’m currently doing, assuming it’s a relevant niche, that is. You can write on your blog, and promote your “related” CP items to your readership because, when you think about it, those who are reading your (specific niche) blog are the very people who would most likely purchase your (specific niche) related Cafe Press items – Right?
At this point, I’d like to share some posts with you here:
Site Rubix sites can get traffic!
Low Hanging Fruit In Action
Thankful for WA and for my First Amazon Sale
Also – Please feel free to click around my blog site, please visit some of the older pages and posts linked to the above menu to learn more about building an effective site. And, don’t forget – You’re invited to Wealthy Affiliate! I’ll be here if you need anything, and thank you for stopping by and reaching out! I hope I’ve helped you, and I look forward to hearing from you again!
To Your Wealth! And, God Bless,
Thank you so very much for sharing your experiences and suggestions. I will join the Wealthy Affiliate – I wasn’t going to after looking at it because at first it seemed like another Commission Junction or another affiliate site I’ve tried.
But, because I found your response and you wrote such a lengthy one, I’m going to go ahead and join.
And, yes, I’ve had pretty much the same thoughts about CP; especially the favoritism. Recently, I ‘LIKED’ an artist; but, after seeing more designs I unliked the artist because I felt some were very inappropriate (which is another issue – okay for some; but, not others). The next day, one of the designs I use in a FB profile was temporarily banned due to supposed copyright infringement.
This is an original design, etc. It was released from the hold after I contacted the dept. for such issues. They apologized.
I think they do have favoritism and apparently some vicious artists.
Sharing your CP experience has been a Godsend. Thank you so much. You confirmed much of what I already had come to suspect.
I know the content, list and niche are important; but, obviously I haven’t gone that route. I will now.
I was hoping if I put enough designs on CP that I’d win the numbers game. Apparently not. As for trying to help them improve… Don’t waste your time. Apparently, even a lot of the employees are unhappy with upper management based on a review Website I saw a few weeks ago.
Also, recently, I just looked into the CP “ADMIN” store link after ignoring it forever. They could have been selling my designs all along and not giving me any of the money.
I tried deleting back to just a couple of products and CP filled it back up again with products for which the original image was not the appropriate size. I’ve been checking it off and on; supposedly, the commission I set is still in effect. I had asked about the “ADMIN” store a long time ago, and was given a very brief explanation of why it was there. As well as I remember, there was no explanation that I could make money with it too.
Lessons learned.
Time is money. I think I can handle it from here. So please don’t worry about another long response.
You are truly one of the special ones and I will put you down in my personal Star List for entrepreneurs to believe.
Father of Christ bless you and yours.
PS: I checked my email with a search for your Money Honey name. The only thing that showed up is where I signed up for your other link.
Apparently your blog service didn’t send your above response to me.
Silly me, I just scrolled down and realized I gave you two different email accounts. I gave you a higher ranking one for more important responses when I posted on your blog – the Sales@B….com one.
I had my fiance’ do a search for that account too. Still no email letting me know I had a response from your blog. We searched ‘Honey’ and ‘MsMoneyHoney.’ Hope this helps.
PSS: Most likely I’m too conservative for CP.
Thank goodness, I remembered to actually seek out a response her on your blog. I have issues with focus and memory. Like I said your info was a Godsend. 🙂
Hi again Deborah,
I’m glad you mentioned that so I can shed some light on your expectation of an email. To my knowledge, this theme, and likely many other themes, do not automatically email the writer. I know I’ve never received an email from blog sites where I’ve left comments. I have, oftentimes, had to go back to a specific blog to check and see if my comment was accepted and answered, so …just to let you know – that feature would be news to me. In the future, however, I will keep that in mind if I ever use another theme or come across a plug-in that allows for that capability. It would be a nice little reminder for those who leave comments – instead of what I do and leave all kinds of tabs up to check on blogs later… lol…
Re: Admin stores – yes that’s another little thing they do. Even in the forum, some didn’t like their designs automatically being placed on items where they looked stupid and they didn’t quite “fit.” Here we are trying to create “nice” things in between all the glitches using their software, and CP is arbitrarily placing our art on their items just to make a quick buck no matter if it harms the artist’s work or goodwill. …Well, if you ever get some time, read the long rant over at the site I shared.. It’s a hoot! lol…
And, finally, thank you for your Blessings! I’ll take them, and I wish the same to you as well!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, and P.S. Commission Junction is an Affiliate Network company. They gather companies together and offer Affiliate links out to those of us who are Affiliate Marketers. So, after you join Wealthy Affiliate, which is an educational forum, one of the Affiliate networks that you join may, in fact, be CJ! But, there are many others: Amazon, Target, WalMart, and many, many more!
See you around WA!
Brian Patterson
Great article. I think I learned more reading it than I have in a long time.
I’m just getting started and it can be overwhelming. Enjoyed benefitting from someone else’s experience in sifting through the issues.
Thank you Brian, and yes, affiliate marketing can be overwhelming. Those who do want to work from home and become affiliate marketers do learn over time, and those who push through the learning curve, eventually, have zero regrets. Many have said they’d do it all over again because of the freedom it provides, and the income isn’t too shabby either…
So, thank you for stopping by, and I’m happy that I’ve shed some more light in the world of Affiliate Marketing. Good Luck with your new home business, and if you’re part of the Wealthy Affiliate family, just remember, we’re all here for you!
I mean to mention, as well, that I find your POV inspirational. You’re advocating honesty vs. running a marketing gambit.
I’m trying to be that sort of affiliate marketer myself. I’m new, but so far I’ve only reviewed products I own and love to use.
Enlightening to keep in mind there are ‘machines’ out there pumping reviews out for profit only. Like you say, that’s capitalism, but I hope honest wins out.
Hi Brian,
Thank You! Yes, I have a bit of a problem with some affiliate marketers who are just pumping out so-called “reviews,” but haven’t bought the product or even attempted to give it a “fair” shot. While yes, it’s true, there are many scams out there for sure, those of us who are earning income online and building long-term wealth really should not just trash products on the theory that it makes them look good or that trashing a product will build readership and trust. It is not necessarily true, at least, not anymore, anyway. Because, now, there are those of us who will challenge these types of posts. Competition builds Honest Capitalism, and there’s nothing wrong with that!
Thanks for stopping by!
Kenny Lee
Wow. I knew there are some marketers that’s big on the Limited Product Launch (although I don’t fully understand). Now I got what it’s all about after reading your post.
I don’t usually make it to the end of such a wordy post, but you definitely kept me entertained by those in depth information of affiliate marketing.
There will always be ethical and unethical affiliate marketers. Can’t do much about it. It’s our own choice of how we want to build our reputation that matters.
Hi Kenny,
Yes, that’s true. There will always be ethical and unethical people in all walks of life. It’s part of human behavior. It’s also true that we make our own choices on how to conduct our own businesses, but I wrote it because of the people they are targeting. Those who are trying to work two jobs, and trying to make ends meet. Many people are trying to find legitimate programs online, and they sometimes come across those Affiliate Marketers who are only interested in pushing a product that may not be in their reader’s best interest – just because they want to win a prize and/or because the vendor wants to push a product that may be inferior before the “real” reviews come out.
Very thoughtful and detailed post; any newbie would do well to mark the points you make.
Hi John,
Yes, I agree! I just responded to another reader about both newbies as well as those more experienced Affiliate Marketers who should be reminded to think of their readers first rather than fall into the trap of a sweepstakes and winning prizes, etc. Otherwise, they risk losing their readers! Thanks for stopping by!
Corrinda Hogg
Thank you for your post as someone who is new to affiliate marketing and also a (G) its good to be enlightened. I Did wonder about some of these reviews, now i’m more informed. Cheers Corrinda
Hi Corrinda, Yes, I thought it was important for both newbies as well as more experienced Affiliate Marketers who have fallen into the trap and the enticement of winning prizes, etc. They need a reminder to think of their readers – first. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for all the info on this topic! Wow! There are so many scams and low quality products out there and what’s scary is that sometimes it’s hard for a beginner to decipher what’s good and what’s not. You did a great service writing about this so people can learn more and beware when they see an opportunity.
Much success to you,
Thank you so much Grace! I appreciate your comments, and yes, I wanted to expose one of the major reasons why someone is pushing a product over another. I am hoping to win people over with as much info as possible. So, hey, come on back whydoncha! Thank you for your visit, and your input!