How do People Learn?
What is the best way people learn how to do anything? Well, there are various ways people learn. There are, actually, seven ways people learn, and according to Learning Styles Online, they are outlined as follows:
Seven Learning Styles
- Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
- Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
- Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
- Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
- Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
- Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
- Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
Am I Boring You?
Ok, okay, without trying to bore you, let’s boil these down for the purpose of this article and get on to the REAL topic: Making Money Online!
Ok, there are four distinct ways people learn.
They are:
- Visual = Seeing: Watch a presentation or video
- Audible = Hearing: Phone a friend and ask for instructions.
- Experience= Touch: Just doing the task. Otherwise known as “winging it.”
So, what’s the 4th, you may ask?
Well, the 4th, as I see it, is a combination of all three: Visual, Audible, and Experience. This is the best way to learn anything. This is why many schools use all three techniques throughout the school years and especially on into college. All students watch presentations and videos. All students listen to teachers and other instructors, and all students are involved with homework, presentations, group projects, etc.
In short, the absolute BEST way to learn how to make money online is, using basic logic, watching, listening, and doing things that will help you to achieve that goal. And, to further that logic, the absolute best place to do all three is to find a place where others are already doing just that.
So, Why Are You Here?
Well, the real question, now, is:
“Do I know of a place where you can go to see, hear, and do all the things necessary to help you make money online?”
Am I right? Am I right? ….Of course I am!
And, here it is: click this link to read: My Wealthy Affiliate Review & Testimonial – the best platform I’ve ever come across that uses a step by step tutorial approach (complete with courses, lessons, and videos), has an ongoing forum, a live chat room, hosting, and member support which teaches people everything they need to know to make money online.
In short, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and I look forward to helping you become a member too.
To Your Wealth!
P.S. If you need ton contact me at all, just use the comments section, or visit my profile over at Wealthy Affiliate / Ms. Money Honey to leave me a message there.