What better topic to write about today than a good old fashioned confrontation. In this case, the issue is regarding a neighborhood eye sore, and the owner’s complete and utter disregard for the local city ordinances, neighbors and the value of neighboring homes. In this instance, the property “in question” is right across the street from my own mother’s property. …And, who am I to shrink from a confrontation… 🙂
August 7, 2007:
This picture, on the left, is how the subject property appeared until it sold on August 7, 2007, to its current owner. In this real life example, I am specifically writing about a two family with an already approved driveway, to the right of the home, which, according to the local City Government, is more than adequate to accommodate two cars per unit. Since this is a two family, this means two cars per unit plus two units equals a total of four parking spaces – in case anyone’s wondering. The current (legal and existing) driveway, therefore, adequately accommodates four cars – and then some.
This picture, on the right, shows what this same property looked like shortly after it was sold. Gone are the bushes, the front fence, the green grass, and the pretty trees. At this point, it was transformed into a dirt parking lot while the surrounding homes began to lose their value – through no fault of their owners.
Seven Years!:
After seven years of complaints to the City, this non-occupied owner recently applied for a variance. He now wanted the concrete he had poured in the front of his house to be approved as additional parking space. This is in addition to other “parking area” that he poured previously. And, I, of course, had a problem with that.
So, after my mother was notified of his application for a variance, my mom and I prepared for
a fight the meeting. 🙂 As mentioned, this issue is not new. This issue has been an ongoing issue for seven years now – and running. But, as mentioned, he applied for a variance approval of one (or both) of his two illegal driveways, and we had to respond.
So, off we went! My mom and I attended the variance meeting, and when the call for those “opposed” was finally issued, I sprang up, as both a daughter and a Real Estate Broker, to defend my mother, the family house, and its value.
Permanent Devaluation:
I outlined the reasons why this needed to be denied, and they are as follows:
- An Approval would permanently negatively affect curb-side parking for area multi-family homes with also negatively affects neighboring property values.
- An Approval would permanently negatively affect curb-side parking for area multi-families which also negatively affects neighboring property values.
- An Approval would permanently negatively affect curb-appeal (in our case, the view) which also negatively affects neighboring property values.
- An Approval would create further hazardous situations realized during these past snow storms which adds to the limited parking issues these illegal driveways have created.
I furthered our opposition by having the City’s legal representative define what the City deemed was adequate parking – two parking spots per unit – right then, during the meeting. It’s on the “official record.” So, by the City’s own definition, having any additional space dedicated for additional parking was unnecessary.
Improper Use of Land:
I also pointed out the home’s current use as a “rooming house,” the size of the current driveway, and the un-used land toward the rear of his property. I stated that the current driveway “could” be extended on the right without taking away curb-side parking from the rest of us. These area homes have been in existence since the early 1900’s, and we have always used curb-side parking for both tenants and visitors. There is no reason to take curb-side parking away from the neighboring homes. “By taking away neighborhood curb-side parking, he has caused a multitude of other problems.” And, I ended my oratory by summing up. “In short, we are here to express our extreme opposition!”
Ok – So, what’s the message here?
If you own property, and you don’t pay attention to any notices from the City, or don’t care to attend any variance meetings, you could permanently lose value in your property. Property owners, whether they own single family homes or multi-family homes, should always pay attention to what their neighbors are doing, and they should be prepared to fight – if need be. Your home’s value hangs in the balance, and it depends on you to protect it!
So, that’s my post for the day. Oh, and if you’re wondering how our meeting turned out, well, OK, I’ll tell you. …The variance was, thankfully, denied.
Always protect your ASSets! 🙂
Real Estate – Property Values & The Importance of Buyer’s Agents! | Building Passive Income & Wealth
[…] This article is. basically, a follow up to the replies on a previous article I had written about: “Real Estate – Variance Issues & How They Can Impact Your Home’s Property Value.” […]
You go Toni! It is up to us to take matters into our own hands, become knowledgeable, and take a stand for what is right. Property value is REAL $$ 🙂 Not living inside city limits, we had to rely on HOA neighborhood restrictions to help control these types of things.
Actually, that’s unfortunate. But, you’ve brought up another great point regarding cities and towns and their lack of response regarding sheer violations. There is, currently, some discussion in this City that the downtown area become some sort of “HOA” specifically for the downtown area alone. Someone mentioned something about curbing blight, and the “peer pressure and fees” would help to minimize “these things” or they’ll have the ability to “take away their property.” WHAT?!!! Yes, I actually heard someone say that when I had heard about this possibility a while ago, but I don’t know what’s going on right now with this “idea.” Sometimes I wonder what country this is…
In regard to you being in an HOA to “help control these types of things,” like the possibility mentioned above, that whole scenario is just not right. You pay taxes! If not to the City, then you pay something to someone, I’m sure! If this isn’t taxation without representation, I don’t know what is! …This is just unbelievable.
Although you have every right to live in an HOA for whatever reason, if it’s only for the reason to curb issues like those presented, I wouldn’t do it. I’d rather fight…as you probably know by now.
Thank you for your comments – I have another idea for my next article! 🙂
It seems as though a lot of this is going on in the city. It is crucial that it is stopped. The valuation of our homes are going down and people should stay vigilant as to what their neighbors are doing.
Hi – Yes, I agree! And, as mentioned in another reply, I do hope that other residents do come forward and come forward more often. They pay taxes, and the City needs to protect the property values of its taxpaying residents! Thank you for your comment, it is much appreciated!
Some people have absolutely no regard for others – they must think that just because they own a certain property they can do anything they want – wrong!!!
There are rules for a reason!
I’m so glad you were successful in stopping it. Tell me though, did they have to put the “yard” back to it’s somewhat original condition, and clean up what they had already unlawfully done?
Hi Joanne,
Well, this an “ongoing” issue. That meeting that I just wrote about happened just last night. I came home, and I was thinking …”hmmm, what am I going to post today…” And, then it hit me! Duh! Why not just write about what just occurred? I just had this experience, it was fresh in my mind, and I had the pictures! lol… It was a “no brainer!”
According to the local ordinance, those who violate city ordinances, and, in this case, have poured cement, etc., they will be, or should be, officially notified to remove such materials. Seeing that this just happened, and it’s been on “ongoing issue” for seven years, I do remain skeptical as to how much of this will actually be ripped up and restored.
It’s most unfortunate that the City has even allowed this issue to get this far. This house has been in our family for over 70 years. It is my mother’s house, and my grandparent’s home before that. My mom was raised here. I was raised nearby and now live here as well. My family emigrated from Greece, and they were so very grateful about being in America, they never questioned local city ordinances. My grandparents never would have dreamed of disrespecting their property or the neighboring homes to this extent. In fact, my grandmother was one of those women who used to sweep the damn sidewalks!
There is no excuse for this, and there’s certainly no excuse for the City to continue to look the other way. Although we have complained for over seven years now, maybe things will change for the better. With the zoning meetings now being made available via the local cable channel, it is my hope to raise awareness, and to encourage other City residents to step forward and demand that the City do it’s damn job.
Thank you for your comments. I will try to remember to post any changes regarding this issue in the future.
Wow I never knew that would effect property value. I’m ignorant in that topic. Very informative and well written. Thank you for this!
Hi Cory, Yes, thank you for your compliments and your comments!
Great article and very helpful.
You are right , you need to be aware of the neigborths and really pay attention to this. I am saying this by experience that had when I bought my house . It was to late after bying it, if you know what I mean.
Thank you
Thank you Daniella – And, you bring up another important point! Buyers, or their agents, should always look into neighboring properties to see about any permitting issues, or variance requests! Excellent Point! …I feel another post coming along…