First Sale

In anticipation for Wealthy Affiliate’s Black Friday BIG SALE, I thought I’d write this short little post about some of the trials and tribulations of becoming an affiliate marketer. One bit of advice, right off the top, don’t follow my lead! Why? Well, here’s the thing. In order for you to get this business off … [Read more…]
Affiliate Marketing Success Post: Status Update 2nd Qtr.

First things first – I’d like to apologize for the delay. As you may recall in my 1st Quarter post, I talked about how there are many variables that go into blogging. Sometimes, things happen that we cannot control, but they do affect our time spent writing. This time, I was distracted, to say the … [Read more…]
Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

Have you ever wondered how things got to be this bad? How has our economy got to the point where we are working two, three, or more jobs, yet we never “get anywhere?” Was it always this way where, basically, what comes in, goes right out? You work all damn week, get paid, and it … [Read more…]
Affiliate Marketing Success Post: Status Update 1st Qtr.

Hello, Just a quick little post about Success Stories! I’ve written many articles about Wealthy Affiliate, and that it’s an educational forum for those who are active in both Internet and Affiliate Marketing. In addition to learning, and talking about blogs and websites, many of the members here at Wealthy Affiliate share their success stories … [Read more…]