Welcome to the first Income Report of 2017!
Here, I’ll be detailing line items from January 2017, including income sources and expenses. As always, I’ll also be sharing what’s been going on internally and what the plans are in the coming months.
If you’d like to get a record of all Monthly Income Reports dating back to October 2008, you can find them right here.
Thanks again, as always, for your support.
Now, let’s get started.
Income Summary
- Last month: $151,137.88
- This month: $157,131.95
- Last 12 months: $1,742,197.06
Expenses Summary
- Last month: $34,152.45
- This month: $36,636.00
- Last 12 months: $463,334.60
Net Profit Summary
- Last month: $116,985.43
- This month: $120,495.95
- Last 12 months: $1,278,862.46
For the complete breakdown of income and expenses, visit the full report here »
Lessons Learned in January
After reading about all the greats that I’ve read in biographies so far this year, I came out of those books inspired, energized, and determined. But, on the other side of things, also very concerned.
I posted about this concern on Facebook the other day and it started a great discussion about what it takes to be one of the greats, and if it’s even worth it, and I wanted to embed that thought here for you as well, as I feel it’s definitely something that needs to be talked about.
Here’s that post below:
At this point in my life, at age thirty-four, with the success I’ve had so far, I know I can go bigger and deeper. There’s so much I want to fight for and so much I want to still do, but I wouldn’t want to do it at the expense of the relationships I have with my children.
I feel I’m doing well so far as far as keeping them involved, loving them every day, and being a great example for them as a present and caring father, but when I think about what would be written in my own biography (if that would be something worth reading), would I be willing to sacrifice my family for that? I hope not, and I hope there’s a way to have both. Maybe that’s what I become known for.
What do you think about this? I would love to hear your thoughts below.
Cheers, and as always, thank you so much for your support! Here’s to an amazing 2017 for all of us. I appreciate you!