SPI 261: SEO Self-Audit Checklist – An Interview with My Recent SEO Hire

Does staying on top of your site’s SEO ever feel overwhelming? Does keeping up with Google’s ever-evolving search ranking preferences have you scratching your head? Then you’ll love today’s guest. VuduMarketing.com‘s Sam McRoberts is here to share his tips, tricks, and favorite tools for optimizing search engine rankings.

Sam headed up the most recent SEO audit of SmartPassiveIncome.com—an experience that revealed so much about what’s working and what I can still improve. Today, you’ll hear Sam’s straightforward, uncomplicated account of what we discovered in the SEO audit. You’ll learn how he analyzes a website for SEO issues, what Google looks for when ranking your page, and simple steps you can take today to improve your site’s ranking.

This is a seriously actionable, value-packed episode for all you online business owners out there, and I’m so thrilled to share it with you. Join Sam and me as we dive into the Smart Passive Income SEO audit, and keep a pen handy—Sam’s about to drop some knowledge you won’t want to forget.

SEO Chat LIVE with Pat and Sam on April 12

Join us for a live video chat on April 12, 2017 at 3 p.m. Pacific to hear even more SEO expertise, straight from Sam. Just visit smartpassiveincome.com/seo-live on Wednesday, April 12. One lucky attendee will win a free SEO audit for their website. We’ll see you there!

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Special thanks to Sam for joining me this week. Until next time!

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You'll Learn

  • The three factors that impact how your site ranks.
  • Tons of tools and resources for analyzing and improving your site's SEO.
  • The right way to think of your site's relationship with Google.
  • Tips for learning what kind of content Google loves.
  • The most common beginner SEO mistakes.
  • Tips for locating and solving problems in your site's SEO efficiently.
  • Sam's take on the role social media plays in your SEO.
  • When and why you should perform a content audit on your blog.
  • Issues and improvements we addressed in the SmartPassiveIncome.com SEO audit, and more!



  • Edgar

    Two-week free trial!

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