Recently, I was doing a bit of research for this blog, and I came across many companies offering various positions or opportunities suitable for those who wish to stay home, but wish to avoid being scammed. This article will address how to find stay home jobs for moms that are not scams.
If you’re a mom who’s interested in a stay at home job, but are leery of the scams out there, you’re in luck! I, too, was once a stay at home mom. I stayed at home for the first six years for all three of my children. Yes, by the time they reached school age, I was well versed in Big Birdeeze, Vampirical quotes, and the musings of Oscar the Grouch! I was also a regular viewer of Mr. Rogers. It added to my earlier experience and zest to “Zoom – Zoom – Zooma – Zoom” during the time I watched over my two nephews…
Ok, that takes care of the 70’s and the beginning of the 80’s. By the time the early 80’s came around, as many of you know, the beginning of, what we now know as, the internet revolution began, and this is the reason for my article. Way back then, we surely didn’t have “home computers” (OMG!), we didn’t have “internet,” we didn’t have “cell-phones,” or any such thing. But, when the first home computers finally came out, my gears began to click.
Infant Beginnings!
Sometime just before Gates and Jobs were duking things out between the infant beginnings of Apple and MicroSoft, other companies also began manufacturing their version of the first “home computer.” So, I got my hands on a little start-up company’s computer – The Eagle II E! (See pics below.) It was basically a Word Processor – complete with two 5.25″ floppy disk drives! There was no internet – then. There wasn’t really even “talk” of a “public” internet yet. But, I could see possibilities with that new little contraption. I couldn’t wait to get that home and begin my goal of working from home – generate some cash – pay the bills – and, maybe even buy a bigger house! ….
In short, I get it. I was there. “Been there, done that…” as they say.
Boy, have things changed. Technology has advanced to such a point now that we not only have “home computers,” we have the ability to chat with people all over the world. We have both computers and we have the INTERNET! We have tablets, laptops, phones, cell phones, GPS, and BLUE TOOTH! OMG! The world has opened up indeed. And, along with all this technology, many moms and stay at home dads, weekend warriors, retirees, students and more can actually find work, or build a business, and earn a living – all while staying home. It is REAL!
Serial Entrepreneurship
So, while my life took a few left turns, here I now am. I am a Serial Entrepreneur: I am a Blogger, I am an Affiliate Marketer, I am a Coach, and I’m here to tell you that “YES, YOU CAN!” You CAN have a stay at home “job,” and you can reduce your risk of being scammed by being an informed consumer.
I’ve written a few different articles on this subject. Feel free to click the links above under the “Get Started” link. I have also done extensive research to find companies that do offer jobs for people who wish to work at home. In fact, just last December, I have compiled a 17 page research report: “Best Work At Home Jobs: Research Report With Live Links,” and it is available here:
This report is not necessarily for those who wish to only “Build Passive Income,” which I whole-heartedly advocate, but it does provide a way for some people to contact and establish work at home opportunities with the companies listed to begin earning money from home.
As for scams, and avoiding them, this is not always easy to do. Many bloggers today, especially those of us who are members of Wealthy Affiliate, are encouraged to seek out scam artists and write articles to expose them as often as we can. But, sometimes, especially when the scammers are charging for their particular product, it may be cost prohibitive to do so just for the sake of writing the article to warn others. So, unfortunately, if there’s not a lot of information out there on the web, you cannot always avoid being scammed.
Reporting In…
But, the good news is that there are more and more people checking the web for a particular product before purchasing whereas before, they didn’t! So, yes, buyers are becoming more savvy. We are becoming better educated. We are using the web to catch up on things, find the trends, or research something before purchasing. We’re all learning and changing with this whole new world of technology. And, the best part? If you actually WERE scammed, you can always report your experience to business reporting types of web-sites, organizations, bloggers, forums, groups, or yes, even social media! So, the word DOES get out, eventually. And, that’s all we can really do: just keep sharing knowledge and helping each other succeed.
So, what’s my summary? What was the purpose of this article?
The purpose of this article was to discuss the opportunities available now, and that they are out there for anyone to work from home. It is literally, limitless. There are so many opportunities, even my report probably doesn’t list them all. In addition, people who may not wish to work at an actual “job,” as an “employee,” are taking to the internet and creating their own “job” opportunities daily.
Blogs are growing by leaps and bounds. People are starting their own blog sites, and they cover a wide variety of topics from gardening, to cooking, to golfing, sailing, birding, basketball, exercising… the list is just endless. My mom even has her own blog site about Seniors! There are also other ways to earn income without a blog. Here’s another article I wrote about the Best Residual Income Businesses.
The world truly has opened up, and it’s there for anyone to do. So, if moms, dads, students, retirees, or anyone else truly does wish to find their very own stay home job, getting started is easy. The information is out there and accessible. And, not to mention, you can earn a pretty good living while doing it. 🙂
To Your Wealth!
P.S. – Here are a few pictures of my old Eagle II E, below. Yes, I still have it along with the manual, though I’d like to get rid of it… So, for any aficionados who are into old computers, drop me a comment! You can either leave one here, or visit my profile page at Wealthy Affiliate.
And, if you’re in the market for a new Asus Desktop computer or want to know more about residual passive income, check out these products below from Amazon:
I want to start by thanking you for this article. The amount of care you put into the background really shines through. I can’t believe you have pics of that old computer. You’re right about those scams too. It seems a lot of times they write their own reviews. Products that give you a trial seem to be a bit safer. Anyway, thanks again. Think I’ll be checking out that report you offer. Geoff.
Yes, yes.. I still have the old computer… It has now been relegated to basement…. Thank you for your visit, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you “work at home!” Thank you, again!
These are changing times and we have come a long way.Every time I do my Blog, I think about the time when there were no T.V.’s.
I find you to be an excellent source to start an on line business and I for one appreciate the info you have provided.
lol.. It’s really amazing how technology has changed! There was a long pause between the advent of tv’s, but now with computers, it seems there’s a new company or product popping up every week! It’s truly amazing… Next, I heard about “driver-less cars.” …Now, that is not something I will be interested in – thank you. 🙂 Thanks for your visit!