How to Squeeze Revenue from Confirmation Emails

Email is one of the best ways to communicate with your customers. Sending confirmation emails can help establish a stronger relationship with your current clientele. It keeps them in the loop. They won’t have to second-guess whether their order went through or whether an action they completed was successful. That’s why all companies need to  [click to continue…]

Why Websites with Simple Designs Have Higher Conversion Rates

Typically, when companies look to improve their conversion rates, they focus on their CTA buttons or value propositions. Businesses also like to A/B test certain elements of their pages to see which versions convert the best. Don’t get me wrong: these are all valid ways to improve conversions. But something that’s sometimes overlooked is the simplicity of  [click to continue…]

How Different Color Schemes Can Impact Sales on Your Website

While most people may not realize it, marketing and psychology are closely related. The most successful marketing campaigns apply customer psychology. On the surface, it’s a simple concept. If you understand how the customer’s mind works, you can use certain triggers to help you generate a profit. One of the most important psychological factors you need  [click to continue…]

The Most Effective Ways to Generate Leads for Your Business

To survive, businesses constantly need to come up with new revenue streams. While you may generate plenty of money by improving customer retention by focusing on your existing customers, you’re only getting a small piece of the pie. The companies who focus on lead generation do more than just survive—they thrive. That’s where I want you  [click to continue…]

How to Create a Highly Effective Value Proposition

I see people make this mistake all the time. They come up with a slogan and assume it’s an effective value proposition. Yes, slogans are a great way to build your personal brand. It’s a great way to help consumers remember who you are. But slogans are not value propositions. What’s a value proposition? It’s a  [click to continue…]

How to Increase Profits by Analyzing Your Competition

How well do you know your competition? Depending on your industry or location, the market may be saturated with businesses providing the same services or offering the same products as your company does. Not everyone will survive. Sooner or later, one or two companies will separate themselves from the crowd. If you want to be  [click to continue…]

The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Story to Promote Your Business

Your company needs to be active on Instagram. Establishing a social media presence is essential for businesses to thrive in today’s day and age. But posting pictures isn’t enough. You need to take your Instagram strategy one step further and take advantage of posting stories to your profile. What’s an Instagram story? If you are unfamiliar,  [click to continue…]

How to Write Ecommerce Emails That Don’t Annoy the Crap out of Your Readers

Email marketing is an essential component of every business. But it’s even more important for your ecommerce website. Why? It’s one of the best ways to communicate with your customers. As an ecommerce business, you don’t have the luxury of seeing your customers face to face like you would if you were a brick-and-mortar company.  [click to continue…]

How to Effectively Use Social Proof to Increase Conversions

Many factors can influence a customer’s decision making. How can you get them to buy products from your company instead of your competition? You have to find a way to influence their opinions. You can achieve this by leveraging social proof. The goal is to create a positive perception of your company. It’s power in numbers. Let’s  [click to continue…]