SPI 262: Habit Forming Products with Nir Eyal, Author of Hooked

How many platforms do you check every day, almost without thinking about it? What products are an unconscious part of your daily routine? These kinds of habit forming products are what today’s episode is all about. Here to explore how customer…

10 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Improve Your Online Business or Blog

No huge intro needed for this post. Here are ten actionable items that you can do right now to improve your online business or blog.
1. Re-Evaluate Your Goals
On a piece of paper (yes, paper), write down where you want your business or blog to be a ye…

SPI 261: SEO Self-Audit Checklist – An Interview with My Recent SEO Hire

Does staying on top of your site’s SEO ever feel overwhelming? Does keeping up with Google’s ever-evolving search ranking preferences have you scratching your head? Then you’ll love today’s guest. VuduMarketing.com‘s Sam…

SPI 260: Undergoing a Website Overhaul with Rocket Code

At this time last year, SmartPassiveIncome.com got a serious facelift. With the help of the amazing team over at RocketCode.io, we revamped the website to make it faster, sleeker, and more searchable, all in pursuit of providing you guys with the bes…

Website Redesign—One Year Later (Critical Lessons Learned)

It’s been a year since the latest major redesign of the Smart Passive Income blog, and I wanted to give you an over-the-shoulder look at what has happened since, including all the great things and the not-so-great things.
I also want to highlight som…