
Fundamentally, you need to make money, or you don’t have a business. That’s actually the only true failure in business. No matter what happens, don’t run out of money. Every other mistake can be fixed. As simple as that sounds, there’s a reason why you can find over 90,000 business books on Amazon. Most of  [click to continue…]


Fundamentally, you need to make money, or you don’t have a business. That’s actually the only true failure in business. No matter what happens, don’t run out of money. Every other mistake can be fixed. As simple as that sounds, there’s a reason why you can find over 90,000 business books on Amazon. Most of  [click to continue…]


Google is still the place to find answers to questions. Search engines have changed over the years, and the barrier to entry has gotten a lot higher. When we started, all it took was a ton of content in order to get search traffic. The game has changed. Not only do you need a ton  [click to continue…]

Paid Marketing

There is possible nothing else in marketing more magical than getting a paid marketing funnel to work. Think about it. You put $1 in and you get $2 out. At that point, you’re printing money for your business, getting bigger with every cycle of your paid marketing. Now the bad news, paid marketing is really  [click to continue…]

Drive Sales With Affiliate Marketing

Connections are the heart of online marketing. Affiliate programs take that concept to the next level. Let’s say that you’re running a company that specializes in shoes. Your customer base knows that you’re a shoe expert but also values your input on other high quality products — like handbags. Maybe your customers have asked you  [click to continue…]

Ultimate Guide to Hashtags

You see them everywhere around the web… From Twitter to Instagram, hashtags are an essential part of social media. So, why should you use hashtags? To start with, tweets with hashtags tend to get twice as much engagement as tweets without them. Plus, they can help you gain more followers, improve your reputation, and help  [click to continue…]