SPI 306: Rise of the Youpreneur with Chris Ducker

Today I have a very special guest: Chris Ducker of ChrisDucker.com and Youpreneur, and author of the new book Rise of the Youpreneur!
Chris and I have been friends for eight years now. He’s been on the show before but we’ve never gotten thi…

Five Truths About the Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur

Wow, 2018. It’s safe to say that this year is a big year for me. October marks the ten-year anniversary of starting my business, and on June 17th it’ll be ten years since I was laid off (not that I’m keeping track or anything!). In fact, there’s someth…

My December 2017 Monthly Income Report

Welcome to my December 2017 monthly income report! We’re well into January now and things are flying over here at SPI headquarters. I’m working on getting ready for my YouTube push next month (subscribe here so you don’t miss anything) as well as some …

SPI 300: Meet the Mastermind Members in “The Green Room”

Today we’re talking about The Green Room, a six-member mastermind group that I’ve been a part of for years. Leslie Samuel, Michael Stelzner, Cliff Ravenscraft, Mark Mason, Ray Edwards, and myself—we get together to hold each other accountab…

SPI 298: Before Your New Year Begins . . .

Today’s episode is a very special one, and it’s just you and me. We’re closing in on the end of the year, and there’s a lot to talk about. This time is a great opportunity to reflect on the past year and what’s to come for…

My November 2017 Monthly Income Report

Over the past few years, the business has become more and more like a machine. Although I’m definitely keeping myself busy with new projects, more parts of the business become automated. This is thanks to the team that I’ve built, the software we’re us…

SPI 295: 35 Quick Life Lessons from 35 Years of Life—Plus a Pencils of Promise Birthday Challenge!

Guess what? Today’s my birthday! I am 35 today and very grateful to have lived this long and experienced so much. I wanted to share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, so today I’m giving you 35 quick lessons from 35 years…

My October 2017 Income Report

Welcome to my October 2017 Monthly Income Report! It’s been a busy but extremely enjoyable month. I’m happy to share what I’ve been up to, and how the businesses have been progressing. As always, I share all of the ins and outs of my business so that y…

SPI 280: Noah Kagan on Personal Challenges, Business Validation, and the Mindset of Starting from Scratch

Noah Kagan has returned to the Smart Passive Income Podcast! In today’s conversation, we cover it all: rebounding from rejection, asking for what you want, plotting your next move, and so much more.
Noah’s learned a thing or two about valid…

SPI 279: Finding Fringe Hours and Work-Life “Balance” with Jessica Turner

Today’s guest is an expert at finding more hours in the day. No, she hasn’t invented time travel—not yet, anyway. Jessica Turner has mastered the art of maximizing “fringe hours” and making time in our days to do the things …