SPI 315: How to Disrupt Yourself & Grow a Company with Whitney Johnson

Whitney Johnson is one of the Top 50 leading business thinkers in the world, according to Thinkers50. She’s an expert in disruptive innovation and personal disruption, and she’s here today to help us learn how to grow our businesses and und…

SPI 312: This “Hole” Can Cost Entrepreneurs Thousands—Let’s Fix It

Today’s guest is Casey Graham, the founder of Gravy, a company that’s filling a huge hole for businesses. The thing is, a lot of people don’t even know that hole exists.
It takes a lot of effort to go back and recover failed payments….

SPI 311: How to Build an Audience with Your Hobby

Have you ever considered starting a podcast? Do you wonder what it’s like to get going? Are you thinking of trying to build an audience out of your hobby? Today’s guest—Phil Lichtenberger of Scanner School—can give you some insight into tha…

BONUS: How to Focus on Just One Thing at a Time (Special Episode)

I have a special announcement to make! I know a lot of you have not yet heard AskPat 2.0, so today I’m giving you SPI subscribers a little bonus: A sample call from the new show. Enjoy!
Ask Pat (1.0) was a show I started back in 2014 in which I a…

BONUS: How to Focus on Just One Thing at a Time (Special Episode)

I have a special announcement to make! I know a lot of you have not yet heard AskPat 2.0, so today I’m giving you SPI subscribers a little bonus: A sample call from the new show. Enjoy!
Ask Pat (1.0) was a show I started back in 2014 in which I a…

SPI 310: The Secret to Superfans in Two Words

What exactly is a superfan? Glad you asked! Today I’m offering some tips and blueprints for building a thriving community of superfans who will boost your online business to the next level.
I also have two guests toward the end of this episode—Ma…

SPI 307: Copyright Infringement and DMCA (with my Attorney)

What if someone copied your written content, online course, or digital products, and used them to make money? What would you do? How would you respond? This happens to me all the time, but it doesn’t have to weigh you down, and it doesn’t h…

SPI 306: Rise of the Youpreneur with Chris Ducker

Today I have a very special guest: Chris Ducker of ChrisDucker.com and Youpreneur, and author of the new book Rise of the Youpreneur!
Chris and I have been friends for eight years now. He’s been on the show before but we’ve never gotten thi…